Thursday, November 22, 2012

Loving the Girls Weekend in Florence

After our girls weekend in Florence in April was such a success, we had to find a weekend to do it again and that turned out to be two weekends ago.  It was perfect being that it was almost 6 months after our first trip.  We were ready for more Italian food and wine, shopping and of course girl time!  So I met up with my Zurich friends Friday evening and we got up early on Saturday but this time it wasn’t for Prada but for some culture!!  That’s right, we decided to learn a little bit about the history of this very charming city.  So we took a guided 3 hour walking tour around the city and got lots of interesting information about the history of Florence, visited a few churches, learned a thing or two about a few paintings and got ourselves all sorts of culturized.

Now that the culture piece was done, it was time to start shopping!  I think people don’t realize just how much shopping there is in Florence but you definitely have lots to choose from.  We shopped until dinner, all finding something we couldn’t live without.  For me I found a pair of these Italian leather boots that I definitely can't live without.  :)  

We had a wonderful dinner, lovely wine and dessert, chatted and caught up.  Sunday was pretty much more of the same minus the culture piece and before we knew it, it was time to part ways and say goodbye to Florence.  

I think we have officially created a tradition now out of our little girls weekend in Florence and we’ll be aiming to do this twice a year.  Next up, March where I look forward to another relaxing weekend with the girls.

Florence really is such a charming city and I realize how much I love it more and more every time I go back!

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