And people were right….it is indeed a cute little city. We took Friday off and got there by noon. I had randomly found that there was a Mission Burrito there. Named after a couple who spent time in San Francisco eating at all of the taquerias in the Mission and who wanted to bring it back to the UK. Sadly there isn’t one in London because yes we did try it (I mean really, how could we not?) and yes it was delicious!! We even contemplated going back again the next day (we didn’t).
In the afternoon we did the tour of the Roman Baths because you must see the Roman Baths when in Bath. And then after walking around just a bit more, it was time to head back and get settled for the night. This is where the fun begins. Elaine had a ROUGH night Friday night. She went down fine but woke at 1:30am and didn’t really go back to sleep until maybe 4:30am and that was sleeping on Nate. She was awake again at 6:30 and had no interest in falling back to sleep. Needless to say we were both frustrated and tired. And there went our Saturday morning in Bath as I desperately needed to go back to sleep after Nate woke up. She was already not feeling 100% when we arrived and we suspect that was the main issue on Friday night as she came down with an actual fever that following Wednesday.
So, we got a later start on Saturday than what we had hoped but we made it out still the same and started the day checking out the Royal Crescent. It’s a semi-circle of houses facing a huge park where many notable people have either lived or stayed. It was cool to see and it faces Victoria Park which was also nice to walk through.
We were then off to lunch (not Mission Burrito) and after that Nate took Elaine back to the apartment to attempt to get her down for a decent nap (he was barely successful). Josephine and I went off on a mission to get some cupcakes to later celebrate Elaine’s birthday and then wandered around the center of Bath a bit. We checked out the Pulteney Bridge, rode some buses and eventually ended up back at the apartment in time for Elaine to wake up.
Since it was a birthday trip, we couldn’t leave without singing happy birthday to the birthday girl. Elaine wasn’t so interested in her cupcake but Josephine swooped on in and had both hers and Elaine’s. What a nice big sister.
We had time to head out for dinner and then we were out the next morning. It was a short trip, shortened a bit by the unexpected. We didn’t see as much as we would have liked but we did get a good feel for Bath and would highly recommend it. It’s a cute little city and we certainly wouldn’t hesitate in going back.
Happy 1st Birthday Elaine!!! Thank you for the many smiles, all the laughter and the love you have added to our family. We love you so much!! (And of course we celebrated again on her actual birthday that following Tuesday.)